Is Generation of Hope a School?
No. Generation of Hope is a homeschool resource center. Our classes and resources are meant to supplement the education you are giving your kids at home.
Why choose Generation of Hope?
We are so much more than a location for classes, a place to find curriculum, or a spot to host clubs; we are a community. Our heartfelt desire is to see parents equipped so that they can help their students be successful in their journey. From homeschool-coaching to fellowshiop with other parents while your children are in class. GOH is a place to build lasting friendships, find support, and journey together!
What is the Generation of Hope worldview?
Education is not neutral and at Generation of Hope we seek to help you train and raise disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ who are prepared to interact with the world from a Biblical worldview.
What is a Biblical worldview?
What is a Biblical worldview? Having a Biblical worldview is the practice of using God's powerful word of truth as a lens to look through while living our lives. Our throughts, beliefs, and choices submit to the authority of God rather than the ways of man or the wavering culture. As we study, we seek to place God at the center of all acadmeic subjects for He is the creator of all. We aim to glorify Him in our discoverires for truth, goodness, and beauty. Our teachers love God and have a heart for training children to do the same.
Are your teachers certified?
Not necissarily. Some of our teachers may have certifications but most are members of the community who have a passion and want to share it with others! All teachers are Christians, background checked and must sign a statement of faith to teach at the center.
If you are interested in teaching at Generation of Hope please contact the center!
Are parents required to participate?
Parents are not required to volunteer unless the class or program requires it. We love parent volunteers and always have room for more! Parents with children 13 years and under must stay on campus while their children attend classes and supervise their children when not in class.